Cuff Links Shop

Cuff Link Collection

from Dann Clothing


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Please click on the boxes below to view our extensive collections !

Don't miss the Personalized & Engraved cufflinks---particularly in our Sterling Silver and our 14 Karot Gold Collections.


We also have the French Cuff Shirts you need...........from Gitman......and Dann Custom.




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We also love the look of mixing interesting cufflinks (such as these)

with Black Onyx Tuxedo Stud Sets for a Formal Event.

Why not?

sterling silver

Sterling Silver

Made from .925 Sterling Silver 

Elegant Engraved

Sterling Silver Collection

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Engraved CuffLinks and Studs




Personalized Cuff Links

Hand Enamelled



Personalized & Engraved Cufflinks

Sterling Silver and 14 Karat Gold



Engraved Mens Jewelry

with Your Monogram !

Hand Painted Indian Head Penny Cufflinks Hand Painted USA Dollar Coin Cufflinks

Authentic Hand Enameled & Hand Painted Cufflinks


Working Watch Cuff Links

Gold Stainless Steel Functional Watch Cufflinks Stainless Steel Functional Watch Cufflinks Black Stainless Steel Functional Watch Cufflinks


Vintage Stamps Cuff Links




Mardi Gras Jewelry



Sterling Silver & Semi Precious Stones

Cuff Links Collection

Special Order


Novelty Cuff Links

& Money Clips

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Fun & Colorful Cuff Links





Cufflinks For the Clothes Horse !

Collegiate Cufflinks

Your University Cufflinks


USA Military Cufflinks

Outdoor Adventurer Cufflinks
Sterling Silver



Elegant Stones Cuff Links Collection



Colorful Links

Fun Sports

Cuff links


Fun and Flashy


American Flag Cuff Links


Golf Collection Cufflinks


Dann Watch & Jewelry Box Collection


Personalized Sterling Silver Cufflinks



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Cylinder Silk Knot Collection

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Round Silk Knots Collection


Irish Jewelry


14 Karot Gold Collection

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Our Finest !

Horse Race Cuff Links

Argyle Cuff Links


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 Alligator Cufflinks!


High Quality Genuine Alligator !


Authentic Russian Romanov Coin Cufflinks

coins packaging     


Authentic Shipwreck Coin Collection


Authentic Coin Collection

Coin Cufflinks & Coin Money Clips

& Hand Enameled Coin Cufflinks


Special Order

Limited Edition ! Certificates of Authenticity included



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Valet Accessories !


Cufflink Jewelry Boxes


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Tuxedo Stud Sets

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Dann Formal Wear Gitman Tuxedo Shirt Collection
F A MacCluer Shirt Collection Gitman Shirt Collection
Kenneth Gordon Shirt Collection Dann Custom Shirt Shop

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Danns' French Cuff Shirt Collection

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Dann Custom Shirts



Leather Jewelry Boxes


Our Finest Sterling Silver !

Tuxedo Formalwear Sets


London Badge and Button

Crested Blazer Buttons





Personalized Name Bracelets



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Personalized Pocket Watches



Cuff Links Ink Personalized Gifts from Dann

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Drop us a line!

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Dann Men's Clothing

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Custom Shirts for the Well-Dressed Man

by Dennis Dann
Dann Men's Clothing

Certainly the gentleman who cares about his appearance and his dress and sport clothing, is interested in how his shirts fit him. Its the very lucky man who is a great easy-to-find size. This results in great selection everywhere for him. Not only can terrific basics be easily found in his can special seasonal offerings and there are usually a few great shirts on the sale rack as well ! He is lucky indeed.
Now enters "the not so lucky in size" man. He is a TALL (or REALLY TALL)....he is a BIG guy (and sometimes tall too !) ............or he is a PORTLY (big thru the mid section)...........or he is a SMALL (sometimes small AND portly). Not so easy to find basics, patterns, etc.

Now enters the man who just loves French Cuff Shirts. What a dashing dresser ! You have to appreciate the man who will go to the extra trouble of collecting interesting cuff links and usually wears a new set daily. French Cuff selection in "off the rack" is simply not what it used to be.

As a general rule......when the economy shakes the way it has the past few years---the manufacturers have simply cut back every way they can. Certain sizes are produced in lessor quantity (if at all) and the more unique---such a dressy French Cuff---are also a fatality.

The option of Custom and Customized Shirts will put the shirt you are seeking into your hands.
There is a difference between them and there are things you need to know before going down this path.

"Custom" is true Custom. Many different measurements will be taken of you and the shirt will be made exactly to those measurements. If you are between sizes.....have different length arms.....have a large neck with a small body....or vice versa.....really a "Portly" with a large tummy......or a very athletic cut. "Off the Rack" rarely fits you the way you may be happy with and or satisfy you.

"Customized" is a newer concept of true Custom. The manufacturer works off their main patterns for off the rack but then cuts the shirt just for you....It is a lesser expensive way to obtain the shirt you need ---French Cuff....Tall....Big.....hard to find sizes in a vast selection of collars, colors, fabrics, patterns. The body pattern is off of Regular, Big (3" fuller thru the body than Regular), or Tall (3" longer thru the body than Regular). Your neck measurements and your arm measurements are taken. The shirts can be monogrammed for an additional fee for an added special touch. White Collar ? White French Cuffs ? Any collar style you want.....all can be obtained.

As with ANY Custom, Customized or Special order..........patience is needed. This is the #1 requirement in today's wildly busy and fast paced world. Plan on at least 4+ weeks for delivery --and longer if it is anywhere near the crazy Holiday season or during the summer vacation schedule. These are shirts that are made up just for you so generally there are cancellation and a no-return policy and they are more expensive, overall, than off the rack shirts.

Once one successful shirt is have hit "easy street" and many many more can be produced just like this one.....just for you. Your days of searching the racks in hopes of the right fit are truly over. It is a great option. You just need some patience for the wait.....know to plan ahead of the upcoming season.....and be a decision maker. Picking from all of the swatches and not looking at a finished garment---just as your clothier does for his store---requires a little fashion vision. Therefore----this is truly not for everyone. If you must see a finished garment before making a decision and must have it on the spot---than "off the rack" is still the option for you.

Most who embrace "Custom" (or its other versions) love the idea that this garment is very their specifications and requests......and that good things take time. For the fashionable guy who loves his shirts.....this opens up a whole new world.

Dennis Dann has been a Retailer for over 40 years. He is the owner of Dann Clothing He can be reached via








Silk Knots Cufflink Collection




Custom Maps Collection

Custom Photo Cuff Links

custom photocufflinks packaging


Initials Cuff Links 

Tennis Collection Cufflinks